Fast Feeder - Installation Tool
Eden Prairie, MN
Lutz Spikes are either pounded into the ground using plastic caps provided, or dropped in the root zone after the Fast/Feeder makes 8-inch deep openings. The Fast/Feeder is a fabricated 3-ft metal rod with a T handle, foot stirrup and a heavy metal cutting head which quickly forms proper size opnings. The Spike Fast/Feeder combination is swift and effective, making it simple to apply the recommended number of spikes to each palm.
1. Punch necessary holes around each tree – then insert spikes/tablets and heel in. This is much faster than punching and filling each hole as you go.
2. Soils, moisture and size of user can effect the ease of hole-making.
3. The best times to Fast Feed in your soils can be found by testing in various moisture conditions.
4. Makes holes by pushing Fast Feeder point into ground with foot and hand pressure.
5. If Fast Feeder goes only partially down on first push, take foot off pedal and wiggle handle back and forth with downward pressure. Then push again with hands and foot.
6. If resistance continues, move to a close-by site as you may be too close to the root ball on a palm, or are hitting rocks or other debris.